2016 Midwest Retreat Group 1 |
Showing posts with label Midwest Retreat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Midwest Retreat. Show all posts
30 March, 2016
2016 Midwest Tzu Ching Retreat Reflection - Frank
I must confess, this being my third time going to the Midwest retreat, at the start of camp I was worried that I fallen into routine. In other words, I was simply going to retreat because I did so every year. I remember on the first day of camp, Trisha XJ asked me why did I choose to spend my spring break here rather than elsewhere. At that time I did not have a concrete answer. Well, regardless, I had a grand old time. Before I knew it, the Tzu Ching retreat had come and gone. Now, my answer to Trisha XJ’s question is that I don’t want to miss any opportunity to be in Tzu Chi (well, that and I actually don’t spend my vacations doing much other than staying at home). Every Tzu Ching retreat has its own unique set of lessons, people, and experiences. I want to treasure all of it. I think Leonard Nimoy put it best, “Life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Live long and prosper.”
At camp I had the strange realization that I was no longer an underclassman. I went to my first retreat when I was a Tzu Shao in high school, so I always thought of myself as the newbie amongst Tzu Ching. But now, I’m an adult! Well, I’m also an upperclassman in college, whereas there were a lot of attendees who were underclassmen. To be honest, I did not feel that much different from my underclassman days, but I’m sure many people did not see me as the inexperienced padawan I once was. For many others at camp, this was their first time at a retreat. I wonder how all the newer students felt at camp? For those who had their first time attending a Tzu Ching retreat, were they as profoundly touched as I was when I was a Tzu Shao? Throughout camp I tried to be more friendly towards all, and in the end I hope I helped to make retreat enjoyable for those first timers. Hopefully there will be chances to meet again at San Jose 2016 and Midwest 2017 retreat and many more years to come!
27 March, 2016
2016 Midwest Tzu Ching Retreat Reflection - Elena
在2016年三月十一日哥倫布慈青隊分別用了三臺車, 花了將近六小時前往芝加哥參加2016中西部慈青營隊。 在這次的慈青營隊,主版單位把這兩天的活動行程規劃得很好,不僅 有好吃精緻的點心素菜,還有很多各式各樣的演講和游戲,完全沒有 浪費來自各個不同州的慈青們的任何一分鐘。 營隊里的活動也非常有意義,從真言上人的早晨傳教到師兄師姐做人 的道理的分享會還有大家一起努力的演繹都讓我受益良多, 仿佛在我的人生這一本書又增加了一些有深度的内容。
在那麽多活動中,我最喜歡彩虹師姐和Marco師兄的演講的“待 人的態度” 。在這段演講中我學到如果想要人見人愛, 對一個人的態度是非常重要的。不管本意好壞, 嘴巴說出來的話不可以帶有任何的攻擊性, 要有智慧和耐心地把自己的想法傳達給他人。 這個道理雖然簡單但卻又不是一件很容易就能做到的事。
Brother Alex's class |
另外,Alex師兄的演講也很有意思, 他説人們雖然每天把身體洗得乾乾净净地但是又有多少人會每天洗滌 自己的心靈。人們往往會把生活中的煩惱堆積在心裏, 久而久之變得不快樂但是其實衹要腦筋轉個彎, 任何不好的事情可能就變得無限渺小所以在這個演講中我學到了不要 把昨天的煩惱堆積在心裏,每天用乾净的心靈去做應該做的事, 不要三心二意浪費光陰。
我非常感恩師姑給我這次機會,讓我可以參加這次的芝加哥中西部慈 青營隊。我除了學到很多東西以外也結交了不少志同道合朋友。 此外,我也想感謝各位師姑師伯師兄師姐在幕後默默地付出, 把整個活動進行得那麽順利。
2016 Midwest Tzu Ching Retreat Reflection - Amy
2016 Chicago Midwest Retreat Reflection – Amy Chiu
Every TC camp has a common theme, no matter what chapter is hosting it, when it is, or what regions are attending. The feeling of being one big family is always present, even among complete strangers. This year’s Chicago Midwest Retreat was no different. From the arrival to the closing ceremony, there is a sense of unity and belonging, like you have returned home after a long trip away.
Even though I am a TC baby, there are still many volunteers that I meet every year at camps who I have never met before yet we get along as if we are long lost friends who are seeing each other after a long time apart. I believe that TC creates an atmosphere that allows us to create good affinities with each other by providing us with a common ground: compassion towards others. Some might argue that the delicious food provided might also impact our happiness and content but I disagree. The food was amazing but you could easily go to a restaurant and order what you wanted to eat. Everyone is able to get along with each other because the attendees and supporting staff members are not strangers to each other. I don’t mean a literal sense for stranger, obviously the majority of us have never met before yet we are able to look past our differences and work together to learn and make a bigger impact on the world. With all that has been said, I am truly grateful to have the opportunity this year to attend Chicago’s Midwest Retreat as an attendee rather than staff as I had the chance to sit in classes and learn more about other’s thoughts about walking on the TC path and the Dharma. I look forward to all future adventures that I know for a fact that I will have as I walk on the TC path.
Every TC camp has a common theme, no matter what chapter is hosting it, when it is, or what regions are attending. The feeling of being one big family is always present, even among complete strangers. This year’s Chicago Midwest Retreat was no different. From the arrival to the closing ceremony, there is a sense of unity and belonging, like you have returned home after a long trip away.
Even though I am a TC baby, there are still many volunteers that I meet every year at camps who I have never met before yet we get along as if we are long lost friends who are seeing each other after a long time apart. I believe that TC creates an atmosphere that allows us to create good affinities with each other by providing us with a common ground: compassion towards others. Some might argue that the delicious food provided might also impact our happiness and content but I disagree. The food was amazing but you could easily go to a restaurant and order what you wanted to eat. Everyone is able to get along with each other because the attendees and supporting staff members are not strangers to each other. I don’t mean a literal sense for stranger, obviously the majority of us have never met before yet we are able to look past our differences and work together to learn and make a bigger impact on the world. With all that has been said, I am truly grateful to have the opportunity this year to attend Chicago’s Midwest Retreat as an attendee rather than staff as I had the chance to sit in classes and learn more about other’s thoughts about walking on the TC path and the Dharma. I look forward to all future adventures that I know for a fact that I will have as I walk on the TC path.
12 April, 2015
2015 Midwest Tzu Ching Retreat Reflection - Ling
美國中西部慈青培訓心得分享 --- 李靈
在營隊中,師姑師伯和學長姊用心準備的課程和活動,對我的人生有許多啟發。其中,印象最深刻的是謝師伯的課,學到了許多人生智慧,非常受用。師伯說:「廣結善緣,不計較不比較。」這句話聽起來很簡單,但其實藏著許多智慧。我們常常會為了滿足自己的欲望而去傷害別人,結了不好的緣。時常與人計較、比較的人,永遠不會滿足,也永遠不會快樂。如果可以做到不計較、不比較,我們就能和別人結下一份善緣。有句靜思語說: 快樂不是擁有的多,而是計較的少。如果計較比較的東西少了,其實擁有的也就多了。如果可以知足惜福的話,你會發現自己擁有的很多,也就不會起了貪念。師伯又說:「付出無所求,感恩尊重愛。」付出無所求是我們在幫助別人時,自己要以平常心對待,不在意自己付出的多少,也不在意對方是否有感謝我們的幫助。若要做到感恩、尊重、愛,就需要更多的磨練了。在付出的同時還要心存感恩,就算對方不領情,也要懷著感恩、尊重的心對待對方。師伯的課告訴我們要「時時種善因結好緣」,平日要廣結善緣,不可以與人結惡緣。人與人之間,難免會發生衝突,只要能懂得放寬心,忍讓一下其實也就沒事了。
第二天下午,我們到芝加哥的中國城,菩薩大招生。和街上來往的行人介紹慈濟和竹筒歲月,雖然以前在學校Involvement Fair 有類似的經驗,和大一新生介紹慈濟(慈青),但是這次是個不一樣的經驗,因為在中國城的人,大部分是遊客或是附近的居民。一開始沒有什麼信心和陌生人講話,想說他們應該不會想要停下來聽我們講話吧,害怕會被拒絕。在幾次被拒絕的經驗之後,終於有人停下來聽我們介紹慈濟,讓我有點信心。加上從師姑及學姊那裡,學到如何向人說慈濟之後,到後面就越講越好,也成功地送出了竹筒。在這次活動中我了解到只要有信心、毅力、勇氣,就不怕任何困難。
2015 Midwest Tzu Ching Retreat Reflection - Frank
This was my second time going to the Tzu Ching Midwest
Retreat. To be honest, I was a little worried about going, because I sometimes
get irrational fears that maybe I won't fit in at camp. I hadn't met other Tzu
Ching in a year. Would anyone remember me? Looking back, it seems like a
childish middle-school-kid way of thinking, but I wouldn't want to miss out on
bonding with anyone. Two and a half days at camp goes by very quickly. As such,
I want to maximize the amount of time I can spend enjoying it with people from
other regions. Of course, everything always turns out okay.
During that Friday night I arrived I was immediately
welcomed by old faces from the Michigan and the local Chicago chapters. There
seems to be an unspoken tradition of clapping to those arriving at the Chicago
headquarters, and this time was no different. After a long road trip, it was
very comforting and relaxing to see all the friendly faces welcoming everyone.
If I had to describe this camp with one word I would use
“fluid”. More experienced Tzu Chi members will speak of dealing with setbacks
as an inherent part of being in Tzu Chi, but from my experience at camp there
didn't seem to be any major issues that could be considered “curve balls”.
Meeting friends, waking up on time, staying awake... I felt it was all easier
now more so than ever before. Even speaking to strangers in Chinatown and doing
a rushed three hour practice for the ceremony on the final day felt relatively
I think experience accumulated from attending previous camps
helped me get engaged quickly this year. I encourage everyone to attend more
and more retreats. Like most activities in Tzu Chi, attending retreats is not a
one-and-done ordeal. There are always more ideas to learn, more people to meet,
more fun to be had. I am grateful to have had the chance to go this year, and
thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read this reflection.
-Frank Xu
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